Wednesday, July 15, 2009

3 weeks

Today is the third week of recovery. The internal swelling must be going down because I feel the screws and rods in the back and it is not comfortable. I am still trying to walk further each day and am anxious to try the pool but may wait until next week or the weekend. Tonight, I was to to take Betsy to the Keith Urban concert but am not ready. Morgan will go instead and I will rest at home. The back is pretty sore again and the front is uncomfortable as clothes rub against the scabs. It is a roller coaster of feeling better and then back down again but I was told to expect this and know that each week my body is healing for the good.

1 comment:

Lory Howlett said...

I'm sorry about the concert--I know you were really looking forward to it! It's a bummer. I guess it can be said of recovery--time doesn't fly when you're not having fun, huh? Still, we're thankful your company is being so good to you, and for the blessings of good health insurance and medical care!