Wednesday, September 15, 2010

It was bound to happen...

Lucy received 4 stitches the other night after falling from some bleachers; head first. She was at Morgan's volleyball practice with Betsy and I was at an elders meeting. I received a voicemail and text that Lucy was at Children's hospital. What? I wasn't too surprised though. Lucy had a big gash in her chin and they couldn't stop the bleeding until it was stitched.


Lory Howlett said...

Oh Lucy! I'm glad you're injury isn't worst! And now you'll have a little scar....exciting! But you careful in the future!

Stacy said...

I still have my scar from when I cracked my chin open...I was maybe 3 or 4. Take a deep breath....these things don't stop when you have a Lucy or Amber around!...(I don't even want to think about Tyler!)